Have tax questions? Houston experts are taking calls until 6:30 p.m. to provide answers
Read full article: Have tax questions? Houston experts are taking calls until 6:30 p.m. to provide answersKPRC 2 Community is partnered with BakerRipley and Telemundo Houston to host a tax help phone bank on March 30 until 6:30 p.m. Volunteers are standing by to take calls in both English and Spanish. The phone number to call is 713-778-8920.
Need help with your taxes? IRS to open taxpayer assistance center in Houston this Saturday
Read full article: Need help with your taxes? IRS to open taxpayer assistance center in Houston this SaturdayThe Internal Revenue Service is extending help to taxpayers by opening a special assistance center in southwest Houston Saturday.
WATCH LIVE: Local non-profit BakerRipley details help available to Houstonians this tax season
Read full article: WATCH LIVE: Local non-profit BakerRipley details help available to Houstonians this tax seasonBakerRipley is helping taxpayers by offering free, tax preparation services for families and individuals who earn up to $58,000 per year.
Quiz: How much do you know about income tax?
Read full article: Quiz: How much do you know about income tax?You likely know what “income” means, and of course you’re aware of federal and state taxes, and the fact that we have to do them (or have them prepared for us, in some cases), every year. But how much do you know about income tax overall?

Taxes: Answers to top FAQs about Social Security income
Read full article: Taxes: Answers to top FAQs about Social Security incomeEven for those of us who think we have some knowledge about anything tax related, it can be a stressful time. And it's certainly not a time when you want to play a guessing game.
This checklist will help ensure you have everything prepared for filing this tax season
Read full article: This checklist will help ensure you have everything prepared for filing this tax seasonRegardless of whether you’ve paid someone for help or tried to do it on your own, even just gathering all the data you need for filing your federal income taxes can seem daunting.
For some, credit cards are a major part of tax season, survey finds
Read full article: For some, credit cards are a major part of tax season, survey findsTax season and credit cards seem to go hand-in-hand like peanut butter and jelly, at least if you believe the findings of a recent study conducted by Credit Card Insider. Using SurveyMonkey to conduct an online survey of 3,114 adults from Feb. 3-5, Credit Card Insider found out the following information when it comes to how important credit cards are for people during tax season. 14% of respondents who expected to owe this year planned on using a credit card to pay their taxes. Of those expecting a tax refund, 40% had credit card debt. 75% of those with debt plan to use their tax refund toward paying it off.