SUGAR LAND – The buzz was real at Constellation Field on Tuesday, March 4, as the Sugar Land Space Cowboys held their auditions for singers to perform the National Anthem at home games this season.
Aspiring stars lined up, ready to show off their vocal cords and grab their moment in the spotlight to raise their ya ya ya.
KPRC 2′s Zorrie Jones got the chance to stroll through the crowd and could feel the excitement in the air.
“I kind of feel like an American Idol judge. [...] It’s fun to see just a lot of local talent that we have here,” said Brandon McArthur, Manager of Community Relations for the Sugar Land Space Cowboys.
People of all ages were gearing up to belt out “The Star-Spangled Banner,” hoping to impress the judges with their unique takes.
Many had been practicing for weeks, and the vibe was electric!
“It’s really a weird experience, but it’s a good experience.” Dallas Williams expressed. “To be [singing] in like a bigger space and hearing your voice amplified, it’s a little bit of a body experience.”
Williams also mention to KPRC 2′s Zorrie Jones that it was a less stressful situation because everyone who was also auditioning was encouraging.
As the energy of the auditions continued to build, fellow contestants shared their own insights and experiences.
“It was a little nerve wracking... I’m not unfamiliar with it, but it is still nerve wracking, you know, going in front of a bunch of people you don’t know and singing.” Bryant Reyes said.
When KPRC 2′s Zorrie Jones asked how Reyes managed to keep his nerves in check, he told her, “I have a group chat with [my friends], and they have been blowing me up today with words of encouragement.”
As the auditions progressed, KPRC 2′s Zorrie Jones spoke with a contestant who faced challenges in returning this year.
Zelda Dashiell reflected on her journey, sharing, “Yes, my first time... I signed up before, but I had to travel out of town. But I made it here today.”
When asked about her preparation, Dashiell added, “I prepared by just singing the national anthem at home and just trying to make it natural, make it original as much as possible, but still some traditional in it.”
The next contestant was one of the youngest participants, still in grade school, yet ready to showcase their talent on the field.
“This is [my] first time I auditioned for the Star-Spangled Banner,” Alyssa Thomas said, beaming with enthusiasm. “I’ve... performed [it] with a school group [before, but] I wanted the opportunity to sing it for the Space Cowboys.”
The auditions were open to everyone, and some singers even showed up early to snag a good spot in line.
The Space Cowboys made it easy for those with experience by allowing video submissions, which was a smart move given the crowd.
“The perfect singer is somebody that has a good take on the traditional style of [The Star-Spangled Banner]. [Also] somebody that can add a little bit flair, but not too much flair,” said McArthur.
This year is extra special because the Space Cowboys are gearing up for their home opener for the very first time!
They’ll be defending their title as Triple-A National Champions against the Oklahoma City Comets on March 28.
Plus, fans can catch them in action against the Houston Astros in two exhibition games on March 24 and 25.
As I wrapped up my interviews, the excitement was palpable.
“We don’t want [the tryouts] to be an awkward or an experience that [the contestant] don’t want to come back and do again. So as long as we can work with them, make them feel the most comfortable and feel like their performance was their best, I think that’s all we can ask for them and us,” McArthur said.
If you missed the auditions, don’t worry!
You can still join in on the fun by grabbing Season Memberships, which are available on the Space Cowboys’ website.
So stay tuned for updates on the selected singers and get ready for a season full of fun, community spirit, and, of course, some incredible performances!
It’s going to be one for the books!
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