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Mom whose son was murdered speaks out on mass deportation efforts

“Not every person is a bad person but we do have to have some accountability for everybody that’s allowed over these borders.”

One Houston area mother is speaking out about the mass deportations across the country.

Victoria Garcia lost her son and father of two, Ricardo Vega, 27, last April in a road rage shooting.

Garcia tells KPRC2 News she is devastated her son was taken and believes he would still be here if his alleged killer was not in the country at the time.

“He would always do something funny to make me laugh and he’s so missed very much, very much. Losing my son has been the hardest and the most painful thing I have ever endured,” said Victoria Garcia in tears.

According to court documents, the man charged with his murder, Osman Solorzano Sanchez, 32, was in the U.S. without documentation from Honduras at the time of the shooting.

After her son’s murder, court records show an ICE detainer was also placed on Solorzano Sanchez for an immigration violation.

“Not every person is a bad person but we do have to have some accountability for everybody that’s allowed over these borders. If the laws would have been in place (and) if he would have been here and took the proper steps to get here versus coming illegally yeah maybe Ricardo would still be here,” added Garcia.

Garcia says it’s now her mission to prevent any other family from ever having to endure the pain she and her family are now going through.

She is pushing for justice and accountability.

At the same time, she empathizes with families who may be separated at this time but she says, they will still get to see their loved ones again.

“People that come over they want to live their American dream and some of them are very successful at doing it, hardworking establishing their business giving their children opportunities they didn’t have, but then you have the other handful they steal and destroy. I know  a parent’s heart is broken if they are separated from their child, but you know what my heart is broken too,” added Garcia.

Solorzano Sanchez is currently behind bars on a $150,000 bond for murder and $30K bond for fabricating evidence.

No new court date has yet been set.

About the Author
Sofia Ojeda headshot

Award-winning journalist, proud immigrant, happy wife, beaming mom. Addicted to coffee. Love to laugh.
