
Highest-ranking person named in Houston’s suspended cases investigation works in Chief Finner’s office

Jim Jones is a high-ranking civilian employee and former executive assistant chief currently based out of Chief Troy Finner’s office.

HOUSTON, TX – A high-ranking civilian employee working out of Houston Police Chief Troy Finner’s office, we’ve learned is now a part of the Internal Affairs investigation into the department’s suspended cases scandal.

Jim Jones is the highest-ranked person involved in the investigation.

Finner confirmed that today in a “no-cameras” discussion, saying at one point he wants to “honor” Jones, a former executive assistant chief. Jones resigned just last week and sources told KPRC 2 Investigates reporter Mario Diaz he only has a couple weeks left with the department.

The chief did not clarify if Jones was a target or a witness in the investigation, but called him “brilliant” and said Jones helps him oversee policy.

More than 264,000 criminal cases were suspended over at least the last eight years, more than 4,000 of them sexual assault cases. Officers categorized those cases as SL, “Suspended; Lack of Personnel.” Finner told KPRC 2 Investigates reporter Mario Diaz he knew about the coding back in 2021 and directed his officers last November to stop using that code.

KPRC 2 Investigates reported this week the internal affairs investigation expanded as 14 commanders and one lieutenant were asked to give statements.

Finner said it’s possible the investigation will wrap up this month, but won’t say if he too will be questioned.

KPRC 2 Investigates contacted Jones at his desk within the chief’s administrative offices immediately following the meeting with Finner. We asked for a comment about how Finner characterized his involvement in the investigation.

“No, it’s an ongoing investigation. I can’t comment,” Jones told us.

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Journalistic bulldog focused on accountability and how government is spending your dollars. Husband to Wonder Woman, father to a pitcher and two Cavapoos. Prefers queso over salsa.

Houston bred and super excited to be back home! I grew up in The Heights with my 8 brothers and sisters and moved back in 2024. My career as a journalist spans a lot of years -- I like to say there's a lot of tread on these tires! I'm passionate about helping people. I also really love sharing success stories and stories of redemption. Email me!

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