
A ‘berry’ sweet Houston love story

HOUSTON – Food always brings people together.

But for one local chef it was the “blueberry lady” who caught his eye delivering berries to the kitchen at Brennan’s of Houston.

That’s where Carl Walker first met his now wife, Jennifer.

Carl and Jennifer Walker share the story of how they met on Houston Life. (KPRC TV)

She happens to work at Moorhead Blueberry Farm in Conroe, where the team handpicks blueberries, including those for Brennan’s menu. 

They fell in love and the rest is history. 

Carl and Jennifer Walker share the story behind how they met on Houston Life. (KPRC TV)

The couple stopped by “Houston Life” to share their recipe for blueberry cobbler – a tasty way to celebrate blueberry season.

Blueberry Cooper recipe by Jennifer Walker and Chef Carl Walker of Brennan's of Houston. (KPRC TV)

Jennifer Walker’s Blueberry Cobbler


3 cups of Moorhead’s Blueberry Farm Blueberries

1 T Lemon Juice (I prefer Meyer Lemons)

1 Cup Flour (can use Cake Flour or All Purpose)

1 Cup Sugar (White Granulated Pure Cane Sugar) My favorite Imperial Sugar

½ tsp Salt

1 Beaten Egg

½ tsp vanilla extract

1 stick of Butter (Unsalted)


Put berries on bottom of 8x8 baking dish, sprinkles with fresh lemon juice that you squeeze yourself with a juicer.

Sift together dry ingredients (the flour, sugar, and salt).

Add the beaten egg and vanilla.

Mix together with fork till crumbly. Sprinkle over blueberries.

Drizzle with melted stick of butter.

Bake 35-40 minutes at 375 degrees.

Keeps well in refrigerator or freezer.

A fresh blueberry cobbler from Jennifer Walker and Chef Carl Walker of Brennan's of Houston. (KPRC TV)

CLICK HERE to see what else is on the menu at Brennan’s of Houston.

About the Author

Heather Kansteiner is a supervising producer for Houston Life. She has been part of the team since the show launched in 2016. She loves all things Houston and enjoys sharing what makes the city a great place to live, work and play.

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