
ASK 2: Traffic lights in Houston, who to contact about changing settings

HOUSTONAsk 2: " Who can we contact to change the settings for the traffic lights?”

Answer:  To make a step towards roadway changes you can contact 311. You can also take your concerns online to the city’s website.

We reached out to Sgt. Sasha Latham with Harris County Sheriff’s Office for more on online recourses:

“For the city of Houston, you can also go online and go: to Houstontx.gov/311 and for unincorporated Harris County it is 311.HarrisCountyTX.gov. It is a great place,” explained Sgt. Latham. “There is an online application where you can basically fill out a report, send in your questions and concerns, and they will handle it.”

About the Author

Justina Latimer is a New York native raised in the suburbs of Baltimore. Before joining the KPRC 2 team, she was a fill-in anchor and multimedia journalist at WSMV-TV, the NBC affiliate in Nashville, TN.

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